Share your strength. Save a child. -Hope’s name is Jesus
-You can change a child’s life forever
-It’s about the children
-Once you go to Africa, you’ll go back in your mind every day for the rest of your life.
-Pray. Give. Go.
-If you don't hold onto something, you will let go of everything. What is there that you will refuse to let go of?
-The safest place to be is in God's will.
-Jesus said, "Go everywhere, tell everybody."
-When Jesus said, "Come," He meant all the way. When He said,"Go," He meant all the way.
-If we do not predetermine boundaries, how will we know when we've gone too far?
-The highest reach of our faith is to have faith IN Jesus rather than faith FOR what we want.
-You can hold more in an open hand than you can in a clenched fist.
-"Can I go home and live with you?" I have been asked this by many children in many countries. Something in me never stops crying.
-Advice to new missionaries: It will take a year on the field before you really see what you're looking at.
African pastor wishing to honor me said, "You may have white skin, but you have a black heart." I was honored.
-My ability to do God's will in my life is not subject to other people's decisions.
-Godly meekness is not weakness.Godly humility is not timidity.The strong resist unGodly desire to bluster and brag
-God spoke the world into existence. Is His Written Word any less powerful than His Spoken Word?
-Honesty goes both ways. It acknowledges both weakness and strength.
-If your future looks scary just remember God is already there and He ain't afraid.
-Sometimes the best use of power is not to use it.
-Imagine being an African child who doesn't have $1 worth of anything and then receiving a Tori Box full of school supplies and toys!
-God is bigger than any challenge you face.
-If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?
-It is possible for believers to live in such a way it becomes natural to experience the supernatural.
-Being with caring, loving, giving Filipinos who live in poverty challenges my personal financial priorities, God bless them and forgive me.
-"We hours" of the morning again. Wonderful sense of the presence of God.
-Many cultures consider forgiveness to be weakness, but to forgive is to defeat evil by doing good.
-Like ears crave sound, and eyes crave light, my soul craves the presence of God.
-How would it feel to find out in Heaven you gave the dollar that won the last soul before the rapture?
-"Think it not strange" that every evil hell can muster is aimed at the followers of Christ. It's always been that way--but we win!
-One of our greatest thrills is watching our children and grandchildren sell out to Jesus. We are blessed!
-The highest reach of our faith is to have faith IN Jesus rather than faith FOR what we think is best for us to have.
-If I tear you down, and you tear me down, we both lose. If I build you up and you build me up, we both win.
-God has let me live long enough to have a memory full of awesome things He has let me see and do and be part of.
-As evil deepens and accelerates, so does God's grace and anointing.
-There is a place in Christ that can only be gained by totally losing one's self awareness. Why don't we go there?
-By definition lie (untruth) proves the existence truth. Truth's name is Jesus.
-Should our embarrassment to witness cost the untold one his soul?
-You will either sacrifice your present to your future or you will sacrifice your future to your present.
-Everything God does is redemptive. He does not waste our experiences--good or bad.
-Personal peace is one of the surest evidences of God's power in your life.
-God is incapable of doing wrong things
-I believe God just asked me, "What are you willing to let go of so a hurting child can live?"
-52 years ago today was the first time I kissed Jean! It was so good I'm gunna keep right on kissing her.
-To find God’s will, seek his presence.
-Touching the world from the heart of America
-Changing the world one child at a time
-Have you ever seen fever in the eyes of a child.
-Giving hope, inspiring dreams, changing worlds.
-Train up a child.
-"Hopeless children. Unwanted children. Diseased children. Unloved children. Raped children. Forgotten children. Enslaved children. Prostituted children. Abused children. Hungry children. JUST CHILDREN."
"I cannot walk away from the children."