It seems to me that so many times that my faith is diametrically opposed to my logic. The voice of faith constantly reaches out into the unknown the unseen and calls things into existence that are not currently. Faith simply says if God says it then it is real.
However, the voice of logic is at work around every one of these faith thoughts. I’m good at thinking things through and finding the logic path to a conclusion. That ability made me a good computer geek but it seems to cause me to stumble in the process of growing my faith.
I look at what Jesus has done through Susan and me in Africa as I contemplate this battle. The one thought that comes streaming to the front of my mind… “What if we didn’t obey the voice of faith”. We had so many logically reasons to stay in our comfortable suburbean life but for some reason the voice of faith kept stirring in us. As we continue to seek Jesus about what that “something more” was it became apparent that the Lord was asking us to make a very illogical leap of faith into the life of missions. Leaving behind everything known to go to a place on the planet that everything seemed exactly opposite of everything we knew and had experierened.
I’m so thankful for the grace that God gave us to make that leap. I see the love, the cycles of hopelessness broken, the transformation happening because we won that battle. Now our family faces another faith vs logic battle as we re enter life in the United States to share the story of how Children’s Cup is breaking into the hopelessness of thousands of children to bring a ray of love and hope that leads to transformation.
As my father-in-law Dave Ohlerking would say “Hope’s name is Jesus”.
A scripture I keep chewing on as I face the battle between logic and faith is found in Corinthians 10:4-5
For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds,
5[Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One),
I hope by reading this you will be encouraged to let the voice of faith overthrow and destroy the strongholds of reasoning and fear that keep you bound. God has plans for us that far exceed what we can come up with on our best day. They are huge.