Monday, October 31, 2011

Senarai Pengedar Kami


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Monday, October 24, 2011

Memilih Pelumas Yang Baik Dan Benar

Semakin banyak pilihan oli saat ini, tidak semestinya membuat bingung. Ada beberapa hal yang mungkin bisa menjadi acuan; antara lain, kenali karakter kendaraan Anda (spesifikasi mesin serta lingkungan dimana mayoritas anda berkendara (suhu, kelembaban udara, debu dan sebagainya).
Tigkat kekentalan oli yang juga disebut “VISKOSITY-GRADE” adalah ukuran kekentalan dan kemampuan pelumas untuk mengalir pada temperatur tertentu menjadi prioritas terpenting dalam memilih oli. Kode pengenal oli adalah huruf SAE yang merupakan singkatan dari Society of Automotive Engineers. Selanjutnya angka yang mengikuti dibelakangnya, menunjukkan tingkat kekentalan oli tersebut. SAE 40 atau SAE 15W-50, semakin besar angka yang mengikuti kode oli menandakan semakin kentalnya oli tersebut.
Sedangkan huruf W yang terdapat dibelakang angka awa, merupakan singkatan dari Winter. SAE 15W-50, berarti oli tersebut memiliki tingkat kekentalan SAE 10 untuk kondisi suhu dingin dan SAE 50 pada kondisi suhu panas. Dengan kondisi seperti ini, oli akan memberikan perlindungan optimal saat mesin start pada kondisi ekstrim sekalipun. Sementara itu dalam kondisi panas normal, idealnya oli akan bekerja pada kisaran angka kekentalan 40-50 menurut standart SAE.
Mutu dari oli sendiri ditunjukkan oleh API (American Petroleum Institute) dengan diikuti oleh tingkatan huruf dibelakangnya. API: SL, kode S (Spark) menandakan pelumas mesin untuk bensin. Kode huruf kedua menunjukkan nilai mutu oli, semakin mendekati huruf Z mutu oli semakin baik dalam melapisi komponen dengan lapisan film dan semakin sesuai dengan kebutuhan mesin modern.
·         SF/SG/SH - untuk jenis mesin kendaraan produksi (1980-1996)
·         SJ – untuk jenis mesin kendaraan produksi (1996-2001)
·         SL – untuk jenis mesin kendaraan produksi (2001-2004)
Perhatikan peruntukan pelumas, apakah digunakan untuk pelumas mesin bensin, atau disel (2 tak atau 4 tak), peralatan industri, dan sebagainya. Untuk memilih kualitas pelumas yang cocok, kita dapat mengacu pada API Service (American Petroleum Institute), JASO (Japan Automotive Standard Association), ACEA (Association Des Constructeurs Europees d’ Automobiles), DIN (Deustsche Industrie Norm), dan lain-lain yaitu acuan untuk kerja (performance) pelumas berdasarkan standar yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga independen industri pelumas international.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Negotiated Infidelity...yes please!

For the first time in my life I’m anti-polygamy. 

Yes, I’ve always been a bold supporter of polygamy. My stance had nothing to do with the fact that my father sired 22 children from several women some of whom were once his wives at the same time (by the time I started being aware of anything, they had all become ex-wives except my biological mother). 

My stance also had nothing to do with the fact that my Kings in Swaziland have been envied by other men worldwide for always having had up to more than 15 wives at a time.

Men Cheat #fact

Anyway to me polygamy has always been the most practical relationship management system considering that history has proven over and over again that men find it hard to have sex (not love) with the same woman over a prolonged period of time. 

The French have always had their mistresses for instance. And even with those men who claim moral high ground supported by biblical verses and religious scriptures; married pastors, bishops, Imams and whatever else they call themselves….their kind is to this day found in compromising positions with other people’s wives or single women and girls… even underage boys in some instances.
I’ve always thought that if done correctly i.e. husband informs first wife of his intentions (key word 1) to marry another woman and wife approves (key word 2), polygamy was the only practical solution to addressing men’s lust. I know. 

“Very much unlike you to support such an absurd and outdated practice” some people told me. Even this particular ex of mine was shocked when I put this proposal to him in the early days of your relationship. 

He honestly thought I was asking him a trick question when I said “Baby what do you think of polygamy ‘cause I honestly think it’s practical and wouldn’t mind it…as long as it happens when I’m 50, menopausal and generally just rubbish at giving you sexual (and other) attention?” . 

In the end though he was convinced that my proposal was genuine and sincere even saying how my proposal had given him “another beautiful reason why I WILL marry you”, he said. Yes I said he’s my ex…boyfriend. He cheated on me. With a married woman (so there...women cheat too).
I’ve just always thought that it was better to have “an official cheating” arrangement than to be blatantly cheated on because then you feel betrayed and all the other dodgy dark emotions that have to do with feeling unloved and unappreciated while asking him in between sobs “do you love her? Tell me do you love her?” 

Every woman who’s been cheated on knows that the answer to that question is “No, baby it’s just…” 

And my male friends have confirmed that most of the time their straying ways are based solely on lust “Otherwise why would I come back home to be with the woman I love, the woman who respects and loves me?” they say.
I mean think about it, in a polygamous relationship if he’s not with me I can SAFELY assume that he’s with the other wife or the OTHER, OTHER wife - women I know and can call to find out if he’s really with them. 

But knowing me, for my peace of mind, I would just leave it at assuming - never to call and find out for sure. I love peace. 

Polygamy is normal
My initial pro-polygamy stance was influenced by my reality as a young woman growing up in Swaziland. 

It was and still is very much common and ‘normal’ for young educated professional women to date married often ‘rich’ men. “Indvodza licatsa, uyaluma ushiyele lomunye”, (a man is a piece of meat, you take a bite and share with others) my friends would say. 

Some of my friends upgraded from dating to eventually marrying these pieces of meat so it really made sense. 

Polygamy for me has always been the ish. Only up until I heard for the first time this week on National Geographic's Taboo about “negotiated infidelity”.
Now this ‘negotiated infidelity’ is the future I tell you. I think my many friends who’ve been cheated on and played repeatedly (left only with love and so little trust) will love it too. 

For me it addresses the issues raised against polygamy by many feminists, gender equality activists and romantics; “it’s impossible to love more than one person and share yourself equally as a man with all these women. Polygamy makes women’s feelings and emotions inferior to those of the man”. 

In hindsight, thanks to this negotiated infidelity thingy…I agree, the feelings of jealousy and feeling inadequate from sharing a man are real, strong and hard to ignore in a polygamous.

Enter Negotiated Infidelity
With negotiated infidelity the couple can even marry but agree to have sex with other people. No, not in the Swinger-type way. No. 

Here each spouse is permitted by the other spouse to have sex with anyone, as long it happens within the couple’s home….and wait for it…during the presence of the other spouse. 

No doofus, the other spouse doesn’t watch or anything. It’s not Swinging remember? He just chills in the lounge or does the gardening until the two are done. 

And in fact he does that after welcoming his wife’s ‘guest’, pours him some wine and ushers them into their bed and vice versa. The same pleasantries are exchanged after ‘the session’ and that’s it. Done. Back to being a happy couple. 

The most important rules are 1) no sleep-over 2) no romantic getaways  3) no spooning.

Negotiated Infidelity is Holly Hill’s practical theory to human sexual relations. During her younger years 40-something year old Holly from Australia says she was left in the cold when her married boyfriend convinced her to quit her job and live off his riches only to dump her a year later. 

That’s when her journey to coining “negotiated infidelity” started. After the young mistress was dumped, she put up an online advert about how attractive and charming she was and that she would require a generous allowance  (US$1,000 a week) from men interested in spending intimate time with her…even cook for them if they wanted that, but strictly no strings attached. 

A whooping 11, 000 responses to that advert.  She only took five customers from whose experiences she wrote her first self-help book Sugarbabe.
But even in this practical arrangement Holly and her current lover of two years admit there’s always a fear that one of them will have sex so explosive with someone else that they are swept off their feet and probably end up abandoning their perfectly “negotiated infidelity” relationship. 

Their only comfort here and I agree, is that that this fear is ever present even in monogamous relationships/marriages.
Unconventional I know, but very practical Holly, thanks. Plus, unlike polygamy, the "official cheating" works both ways. I’ll opt for negotiated infidelity anyday. Afterall you are also a certified psychologist why not take your advice?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cup Team and Mission of Mercy Saving Lives

Lomasontfo is a beautiful 12 year old girl full of confidence. She is currently top of her class and reflects gratefulness for all she has. If you were to look at Lomasontfo today you would never have realized that she almost died 3 years back.

Lomasontfo had a quick growing tumor on the left side of her jaw. What started as a small swollen bump would soon consume the left side of her face. A double orphan,

Lomasontfo lived in a mud and stick hut with older brothers and sisters who were scrambling to take of their own children. Many times left to fend for herself, the food served at the CarePoint became her only meal for the day.

As the tumor grew bigger her family would send her into town begging for food and money from onlooker who would take pity on her.

While the tumor was still small Lomasontfo was discovered during a routine Children’s Cup mobile Medical Clinic at the CarePoint. Children’s Cup medical teams assertively search for doctors all over Swaziland who would know how to treat this growing mass. After months of taking Lomasontfo from one doctor to another it was concluded we needed to seek medical treatment in South Africa.

As Children’s Cup prepared medical and visa papers to go to South Africa we endured obstacle after obstacle for months. For a time it appeared like a hopeless situation. As the tumor grew we feared that she would die before we were even able to get her treatment in South Africa.

But the Lord heard our cry for help!

With the generous special medical funding from Mission of Mercy for children with extreme medical needs we were able to take Lomasontfo to a hospital in South Africa. She traveled back and forth for months visiting doctors. When it came time to treat the tumor they had to remove half of her jaw and insert a metal plate to reform her jaw. With the accompaniment of a diligent missionary, Lomasontfo stayed in the hospital for a month and a half, and after surgery had her mouth wired shut for 6 weeks.

Following the initial surgery there were frequent follow up visits to the doctor in South Africa. Today it is barley noticeable that anything is wrong. We continue to take her yearly to the doctor in South Africa with the prospect of another surgery when she is older.

Lomasontfo was an extra mouth to feed at her home and we watch her struggle to survive. God put the needs of Lomasontfo on the heart of a local business lady with a husband and family. This family from the same community she was living in saw the needs of Lomasontfo and took her inside their house as one of their own. Lomasontfo is now receiving the love and support a child needs to thrive. No longer looking for her next meal and knowing the love of a family the transformat

ion in Lomasontfo is unbelievable.

She is now healthy not only in body, but also in mind and spirit. From the very start we watch an orphaned child used to being ignored and fended for herself, to a child who now know the care and love from others. Lomasontfo, a child who would eat everything in sight and hoard food, now know that another meal will come again.

The Lord truly hears our cries and provides for our needs! The Lord’s provision of His children shines bright through Lomasontfo’s life, and it’s only the beginning. Lomasontfo who was literally rescued out of a hopeless situation has a bright future!

Tanzania - 2011 Issues Full Set

Five Hundred Shillings, ND1.1.2011 P40Reverse
One Thousand Shillings, ND1.1.2011 P41
Two Thousand Shillings, ND1.1.2011 P42
Five Thousand Shillings, ND1.1.2011 P43
Ten Thousand Shillings, ND1.1.2011 P44

Monday, October 17, 2011

The STORM is Coming!!!

At the peak of the foreign entertainment influx in the beautiful kingdom of eSwatini, came a true representation of local showbiz in the birth of Big Fun Entertainment, Claiming Ground Records & Loud Entertainment among others. this was necessitated by the continued ingress and dominance of international acts into Swazi soil whose objectives only rotated around building their brands and making money, which was of very little benefit to Swaziland. This triggered inspiration on on local entertainers, who did not only appreciate what guest entertainers had to offer, but also took note of their professional delivery with the sole intention of grooming their very own and implementing such. This has, therefore resulted in the birth of what is by far the best local concept to ever see light in the beautiful kingdom of Eswatini, The Swazi Tone Of Real Music (The S.T.O.R.M. Festival)

The S.T.O.R.Mis a collaborative initiative of Claiming Ground Records, Big Fun Entertainment and Loud Entertainment with the aim of hosting annual events in the country to promote home grown talent. This festival aims to showcase local talent to the locals and is strategically positioned as an event which can contribute to national building as it invokes a sense of national pride and raises awareness of the milestones Swaziland has achieved not just in music but in the arts as a whole. This all day event set for the 31st of December of every year targets the young and old, families and singles and is well poised for success as it also provides a platform for people to celebrate the ending of one year and usher in a new one.

Bring in the New Year the right way. Fly The Flag For Swaziland at the STORM festival.

The STORM builds up on the success of two events hosted by these entities separately in 2010/2011 where approximately (2000) people were presented and treated to strictly local Musicians and Disk Jockeys.  This year is set to be even bigger and better as our local artists now have a name in the country and internationally with recent launches by Siyinqaba, Psycholution and Nomalungelo Dladla to name a few, all of which were a huge success and were well covered in the local media. The project team is well experienced and has been hosting events all over the country for the past few years in their respective stables. This collaboration sees the three entertainment giants in the entertainment industry leveraging off their experience and understanding gained of the environment to provide a unique experience.
Hosted at scenic Swazi venues this event is positioned to stimulate local and external tourism, as the holiday season has seen a continual growth of foreign tourism. The idea therefore is to create a memorable and nostalgic ambience long after the festival has passed as well as influence more tourism to the country at this time of the year annually. This year sees the STORM festival being hosted at HAWANE RESORTS.

The event focus area will include:
 *Promoting all local arts in the entertainment industry & otherwise.
 *Professional development of local artists.
 *Idea and concept development in marketing products through the arts
 *Hosting such events at scenic Swazi spots, for the added Swazi experience
 *Encouraging growth in sales of local arts products
 *This opportunity offers your company a way to gain maximum access to an influential audience.