Thursday, May 31, 2012

Catch Up to My Last Day in MD

Slowly,  I'm beginning to realize what I have signed up to do.  However, when I say two months, for some reason I just cannot wrap my head around the time frame.  Sometimes I say it and I imagine it being the duration of a week, other times I say it and I feel like I've signed up for an entire year. & then I start to wonder, why am I trying to understand any of this?!  I mean the Bible tells me exactly why I cannot wrap my head around the length of time; because this entire trip was orchestrated by God and to Him time is irrelevant. 
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." 2 Peter 3:8
 Last night (Wednesday) was my last youth service at church and God just kept speaking to me and showing me so many neat things.  For one, I was still wrestling with the reality that Cody is not here.  I will not run into him at Wawa, I won't get ridiculous comments from him on facebook, I won't see him. And of course his viewing is tomorrow night (Friday) and I will already be in Atlanta with no possible way of being there to say a final goodbye and no way of comforting others.  As I was thinking about this the Lord spoke scripture through Pastor Seth saying, "Leave the dead to bury the dead, follow me." Done.  I refuse to be a half-hearted, lukewarm, follower of Christ.  Cody is not there, his body will return to the dust man was made from and his soul is gone into eternity. I will follow the Lord into the mission field of Swaziland and as I am there I can pray for every single person that is mourning back here at home.
After the sermon I was again seated in front of the crowd (though this time it was the youth) and I was surrounded by the friends/family I have made in the past year at Pleasant View.  When Seth said, "any of Casie's close friends, feel free to come up and lay hands on her as we pray," I did not expect to be surrounded by so many people.  I was shocked.  For each of those people I would do the same for them but it was still so encouraging to see that there was so much mutual love surrounding me.  Some of them I have literally only been friends with for maybe 2 months and seeing them cry was tough.  In such a short time God has created a friendship that would take some people years to establish, I am blessed!  I am encouraged by the people who stood around me and are supporting me back at home while I set off to do God's will.  Knowing that they have my back will keep me moving when times get tough.  When life in Swaziland gets rough and I think I've had enough, I will look back on that night, smile and be empowered to continue on because all of those people believe in me.
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."  Proverbs 27:17
And today has been... crazy.  My last day in Maryland before I head off to training camp and I still have to run to the grocery store in the morning before I leave for the airport.  I'm a hot mess when it comes to packing for long trips. I cannot focus long enough to get each suitcase packed and I'm not a big fan of lists (thanks to Andrew I've adapted to the lifestyle of  "winging it").  I really did try to have all of this done at the beginning of the week, I just failed. Oh well, I don't mind.
I had my last Wawa coffee with my daddy this morning.  I enjoyed being with him this morning and having the chance to just talk to him.  Our schedules are so different that we don't get to spend much time together so every little bit really does count!  Since the week he brought me home from college we have been having once a week dinners that have worked out really well and I'm really grateful that he took the initiative to set them up each week. Tonight he grilled by favorite... BBQ RIBS!! nom nom nom. He also invited my grandparents over.  We all sat around the dinner table together and my dad asked me to pray for the food. He said, "say a real prayer," meaning not the "God is great, God is good...." He wanted to hear me pray and though it really put me on the spot,  I could not say no.
As my daddy and I talked about my trip tonight, he felt compelled to tell me about his religious views and his faith.  I told him that he did not need to justify his lack of church attendance to me but he stopped me and told me that he wanted to share with me.  Thinking about that conversation alone is enough to bring me to tears.  My dad wants to get back into going to church!! I wish that he had told me earlier so that we could go together and I could introduce him to all of the amazing people that God has put in my life at Pleasant View, but I know that God has a plan for my daddy.
When I left his house tonight to come back to my moms it was tough to let him go.  I know it is not goodbye forever.  And honestly, I've probably gone just about two months being at school and not talking to my dad.  Africa just makes the whole thing completely different. He has to let go of one of his babies and trust that God is going to take care of me.  For someone who hasn't heard the truth of the Bible recently I can imagine how hard it would be to let a child go half way across the world.  But there is where the beauty lies.  All he has to do is pick up his Bible and pray and the Lord will reassure him of my safety.  I am not as crazy as my daddy thinks I am.  I am just doing what God calls all of us to do.
"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Matthew 28:19-20
The great commission was not given for us to wait around and let someone else fulfill.  The great commission isn't even going to fulfill itself.  We are Christians need to pick up our crosses and GO. We are all called to share the Good News.  I realized this and allowed God to take control.  And now I know that all it take is an ordinary person and God will use them for extraordinary things.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Day of the Blue Heron at Weldon, NC

I chuckled, as I listened to my 42 year old son Elliot’s response to my talk about aging and at some point changing his lifestyle. Sympathetic and kind, Elliot replied, “Aunty Sandra and you make it sound so depressing.”

When I reflected on my son's statement, particularly the term “depressing” I thought about it and concluded that it was not my intent to make aging sound depressing because at least for me. My former and present life experiences are far from depressing, and if anything, I start each day excited about another opportunity to enjoy an abundant life and anticipate, what I call, new unexpected experiences.

During my younger years I aggressively anticipated and created new exciting experiences but today, I allow the unexpected experiences to excite me.

Never in my young wildest dreams (which I had many in my youth) did I think that I would be interested in photographing wildlife or even charmed into watching and taking pictures of rarely seen birds, such as the Blue Heron.

Most of my experiences with taking photos of the gawky looking Blue Heron had always been at a distance until one day, this shy bird made a visit, approximately 20 feet from where I stood on the Roanoke River Dock.

It was midday, close to 90 degrees and the day promised a long humid sticky day of fishing, as I planned to take my usual bike ride to the Roanoke River with three fishing rods in one hand, tightly grasping the handle bars, a pail on the other side on the handle bars for balance and with a tackle bag and cameras strapped to a rear rack.

Routinely, I’d go to the river to relax or fish for Striped Bass and talk with residents and tourists. But today was unusual because all I could think about and wanted to do was to catch a bucket full of big heavy weight Catfish. The more I thought about the unbearable heat, humidity and especially the Roanoke River’s slippery, muddy shore where I’d have to fish for catfish and finding my way down a deep sloping path.

The more I thought about my age and the possibility of slipping and falling or being confronted by snakes.

Nor would I be fishing from the safety of fishing from the dock where I’d stand in direct sunlight and bake for as long as I could take it and drinking gallons of water to fight off dehydration. No, today I was heading for the slippery, muddy, bug and snake infested dark hidden Roanoke River shoreline, where the big catfish hid under fallen trees and huge rocky crevices.

Cutoff from all the usual and expected noise of people, cars and freight trains blasting its horn as it pass through the small town of Weldon, and it was here on the river’s dark hidden shoreline that the unexpected happened for the second time.

The shy elusive Blue Heron, seemingly visited with me once again, after he posed momentarily for a picture at the rivers dock. Sure fishing for catfish was a success.

But it got better; because this time I had time to video the Blue Heron feeding on small fish just a few feet from where I quietly crouched to enjoy yet another unexpected life experience. I felt like a little boy exploring in the woods, searching and discovering a  new type of bug under leaves and rocks. Adrenalin pumped fiercely through my veins as I used every inch of discipline to observe the unexpected unfold before my eyes. Watch the video below.

As an ethnography researcher, it's my job to collect data over a period of time by a method called observation/participation in order to understand and write about how and why or if Weldon's culture is changing as a result of the town's community development program. Effective community development provides ethnographers the  opportunity to use bragging rights to help brand, promote and market every community activity that will attract people to the community. 

Weldon offers many different experiences such as the Blue Heron for tourist to enjoy and it is conveniently and strategically located five minutes off I-95 for families, sports fisherman, historical buffs, canoe and Kyack enthusiast to take time to smell the roses, and experience the unexpected from “The Rockfish Capital of the World.”

First World Problems & RIP Cody

It is finally starting to hit me. Tomorrow is my last day in Maryland and I'm kind of starting to freak out. There are a few things that I forgot about when it comes to leaving the country, such as letting the bank know. And come to think of it, I don't think that she did anything about that because we ran into another problem. It just so happens that my bank card is going to expire while I am in Africa and that's not okay with me. If my card doesn't come in the mail tomorrow... It could get interesting come July. Also, my license will expire. Granted it will still be me, but if for any reaso I need that form of identification it will not be up to date. Oops. So that means I will need to take a trip to the MVA tomorrow morning - FUN!!! (not) Oh and how lovely, I just remembered that I still have to schedule a few bill payments for those two months I am gone as well - lame. It really is incredible to think about how my first-world way of life can cause such a headache. I am excited to see what Swaziland has in store for me and what the lack of material wealth does for the people. I wonder what causes stress in their life? What do they worry about?
I want to ask all of my readers to keep the Green family in their prayers. From what I understand, a friend of mine from high school "Cody Green" took his own life this past week. After high school I talked to him a few times but we didn't talk nearly as much as we had. Never the less, it is always devastating to hear about a life that ends to suddenly and at such a young age. I am realizing how important it is for me to boldly proclaim my faith to my friends and even to strangers. What am I do, not telling people about the saving grace of Jesus Christ?! It is my prayer that this loss would be a wake up call to all of the people that love and miss Cody, that they would realize the need of a Savior so that they too can go to Heaven. It bugs me that I don't know about Cody's faith. If I considered him my friend shouldn't I have been concerned about where his soul would go when he died? This entire situation has made me think a lot about my concern for people's souls. I pray for lost souls almost every day, but I do not witness to them everyday. I need be more bold. I need to share the good news of Christ every chance that I get. I need to stop passing up the opportunity to plant the seed to change a life. I want to live out "being the change I want to see in the world." If I expect the Holy Spirit to do something incredible, I need to start living like something incredible is going to happen every second of every day. What is there to fear in America when it comes to sharing faith? That someone will disagree and walk away, call us a name, cuss at us, or maybe even accept the Lord? That sounds a lot better than the things that can happen to people in countries like Korea. The mention of the bible is enough to have a person killed by the government. I'd rather have someone laugh at me. I have it so easy living in America. I need to start taking advantage of the blessing of being born in a free country. Cody reminded me of the blessings I have been given. In his death he has reminded me of the importance of reaching out to people. He has made me realize that friendship needs to be more than a hug and hi, once in a while. To care about a person should mean that you care about their soul, their life after this one. We are only passing through here and we have a choice as to where we will spend eternity. I pray that someone else took the opportunity that I missed over and over again, to witness to Cody; and that one day, I will see him again in Heaven with all of the others who have died was too young.

"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Z Calling Card

AZ International Prepaid Calling Card
    Please note:
    *The rate listed related to local access number
    *Toll free number will increase the rate 3รง/m
    *Toll free number is not authorized with pay phone.
    *The rate is subject to change any time without notice.

    Country Rates Country Rates
    Afghanistan $0.299 korea north $1.159
    Afghanistan cellular $0.329 korea south $0.169
    Albania $0.089 korea south cellular $0.059
    Albania Mobile $0.349 Kuwait $0.129
    Albania Tirane $0.089 Kyrgyzstan $0.169
    Algeria $0.099 Kyrgyzstan cellular $0.169
    Algeria cellular $0.339 Laos $0.039
    American Samoa $0.159 Laos cellular $0.039
    Andorra $0.059 Lebanon $0.119
    Andorra cellular $0.399 Lebanon cellular $0.219
    Angola $0.129 Lesotho $0.259
    Angola cellular $0.159 Lesotho cellular $0.289
    Anguilla $0.129 Liberia $0.379
    Anguilla cellular $0.299 Libya $0.279
    Argentina $0.039 Libya cellular $0.389
    Argentina Buenos Aires $0.019 Liechtenstein $0.089
    Argentina cellular $0.249 Liechtenstein cellular $0.779
    Argentina Cordoba $0.039 Lithuania $0.069
    Argentina La Plata $0.039 Lithuania cellular $0.129
    Argentina Mar del Plata $0.039 Luxembourg $0.025
    Argentina Mendoza $0.039 Luxembourg cellular $0.199
    Argentina Rosario $0.039 macao $0.039
    Armenia $0.139 macao cellular $0.039
    Armenia cellular $0.269 Macedonia $0.439
    Aruba $0.129 Madagascar $0.579
    Aruba cellular $0.269 Madagascar cellular $0.579
    Australia $0.039 malasya penang $0.029
    Australia cellular $0.149 Malawi $0.089
    Australia Melbourne $0.039 Malawi cellular $0.099
    Australia Sydney $0.039 Malaysia $0.024
    Austrialia cellular $0.119 Malaysia Malaca $0.029
    Austria Vienna $0.029 Malaysia Mobile $0.029
    Austria celluar $0.069 Maldives $0.929
    Azerbaijan $0.279 Mali Republic $0.339
    Azerbaijan cellular $0.399 Malta $0.029
    Bahamas $0.129 Malta cellular $0.249
    Bahamas cellular $0.249 Marshall Islands $0.359
    Bahrain $0.049 Mauritania $0.439
    Bahrain cellular $0.089 Mauritania cellular $0.439
    Bangladesh $0.059 Mauritius $0.189
    Bangladesh cellular $0.049 Mauritius cellular $0.189
    Barbados $0.129 Mayotte $0.239
    Barbados cellular $0.249 mayotte island cellular $0.439
    Belarus $0.249 Mexico $0.049
    Belarus cellular $0.339 Mexico Guadalajara $0.049
    Belgium $0.049 Mexico Mexico City $0.049
    Belgium cellular $0.149 Mexico cellular $0.059
    Belize $0.259 Micronesia $0.269
    Belize cellular $0.279 Moldova $0.159
    Benin $0.279 Moldova cellular $0.309
    Benin cellular $0.279 Monaco $0.059
    Bermuda $0.059 Monaco cellular $0.379
    Bermuda cellular $0.059 Mongolia $0.099
    Bhutan $0.199 Montserrat $0.189
    Bolivia $0.169 Montserrat audiotext $0.189
    Bolivia cellular $0.189 Morocco $0.030
    Bolivia Cochabamba $0.089 Morocco cellular $0.450
    Bolivia La Paz $0.099 Mozambique $0.109
    Bolivia Santa Cruz $0.099 Myanmar $0.369
    Bosnia & Herzegovina herzegovina $0.194 Myanmar cellular $0.369
    Bosnia & Herzegovina herzegovina cellular $0.199 Namibia $0.069
    Botswana $0.119 Namibia cellular $0.189
    Botswana cellular $0.289 Nauru $0.289
    Brazil $0.044 Nepal $0.149
    Brazil Belo Horizonte $0.029 Nepal cellular $0.149
    Brazil brasilia $0.044 Netherlands $0.019
    Brazil cellular $0.149 Netherlands cellular $0.129
    Brazil rio de janeiro $0.029 Netherlands Antilles $0.129
    Brazil Salvador $0.044 Netherlands Antilles cellular $0.129
    Brazil Sao Paulo $0.044 New Caledonia $0.279
    British Virgin Islands $0.269 New Caledonia cellular $0.279
    Brunei $0.039 New Zealand $0.019
    Brunei cellular $0.044 New Zealand cellular $0.119
    Bulgaria $0.069 Nicaragua $0.259
    Bulgaria cellular $0.499 Nicaragua cellular $0.279
    Bulgaria Sofia $0.059 Niger $0.309
    Burkina Faso $0.209 Nigeria $0.129
    Burkina Faso cellular $0.299 Nigeria cellular $0.129
    Burundi $0.239 Nigeria Lagos $0.119
    Cambodia $0.059 Norway $0.019
    Cameroon $0.199 Norway cellular $0.239
    Cameroon cellular $0.259 Oman $0.129
    Cape Verde $0.219 Oman cellular $0.329
    Cayman Islands $0.089 Pakistan $0.034
    Central African Republic $0.509 Pakistan cellular $0.044
    Central African Republic cellular $0.509 Pakistan Islamabad $0.034
    Chad $0.139 Pakistan Karachi $0.034
    Chile $0.049 Pakistan Lahore $0.034
    Chile cellular $0.399 Palau $0.409
    Chile Santiago $0.049 Palestine cellular $0.429
    China $0.039 Panama $0.039
    China cellular $0.019 Panama cellular $0.149
    Colombia $0.199 Paraguay $0.039
    Colombia cellular $0.199 Paraguay cellular $0.149
    Comoros $0.524 Philippines $0.149
    Congo $0.559 Philippines cellular $0.169
    Cook Islands $0.869 Philippines Manila $0.149
    Costa Rica $0.039 Poland $0.019
    Costa Rica cellular $0.069 Poland cellular $0.189
    Croatia $0.029 Poland Warsaw $0.024
    Croatia cellular $0.299 Portugal $0.019
    Cuba $1.089 Portugal cellular $0.089
    Cuba cellular $1.089 Qatar $0.179
    Cyprus $0.019 Qatar cellular $0.229
    Cyprus cellular $0.079 Reunion Island $0.179
    Czech Republic $0.039 Reunion Island cellular $0.429
    Czech Republic cellular $0.109 Romania $0.021
    Denmark $0.019 Romania Bucharest $0.021
    Denmark cellular $0.189 Romania cellular $0.129
    Diego Garcia $1.439 Russia $0.049
    Djibouti $0.419 Russia cellular $0.079
    Djibouti cellular $0.459 Russia Moscow $0.019
    Dominica $0.129 Russia St. Petersburg $0.029
    Dominica cellular $0.289 Rwanda $0.159
    Dominican Republic $0.109 Rwanda cellular $0.159
    Dominican Republic cellular $0.109 Saudi Arabia $0.099
    Ecuador $0.259 Saudi Arabia cellular $0.149
    Ecuador cellular $0.259 Saudi Arabia dhahran $0.099
    Egypt $0.120 Saudi Arabia Jeddah $0.099
    Egypt Cairo $0.140 Saudi Arabia Riyadh $0.099
    Egypt Mobile $0.140 Senegal $0.449
    El Salvador $0.289 Senegal cellular $0.499
    El Salvador cellular $0.284 Senegal dakar $0.449
    Equatorial Guinea cellular $0.299 Seychelles $0.339
    Eritrea $0.329 Seychelles cellular $0.339
    Estonia $0.029 Sierra Leone $0.469
    Estonia cellular $0.309 Sierra Leone cellular $0.469
    Ethiopia $0.349 Singapore $0.019
    Ethiopia cellular $0.349 Slovakia $0.029
    Faeroe Islands $0.389 Slovakia cellular $0.159
    Fiji $0.239 Slovenia $0.019
    Finland $0.049 Slovenia cellular $0.139
    Finland cellular $0.169 Somalia $0.639
    Finland ngn $0.109 South Africa $0.089
    France $0.019 South Africa cellular $0.139
    France cellular $0.109 Spain $0.019
    France ngn $0.049 Spain Barcelona $0.019
    French Antilles $0.179 Spain cellular $0.099
    French Antilles cellular $0.409 Spain Madrid $0.019
    French Guiana $0.179 Sri Lanka $0.159
    French Guiana cellular $0.419 St. Kitts & Nevis $0.269
    French Polynesia $0.269 St. Kitts & Nevis cellular $0.269
    French Polynesia cellular $0.409 St. Lucia $0.289
    Gabon $0.489 St. Lucia cellular $0.269
    Gabon cellular $0.529 St. Vincent & Grenada $0.279
    Gambia $0.459 St. Vincent & Grenada cellular $0.279
    Gambia cellular $0.579 Sudan $0.169
    Georgia $0.089 Sudan cellular $0.209
    Georgia cellular $0.129 Suriname $0.149
    Germany $0.019 Suriname cellular $0.229
    Germany berlin $0.019 Swaziland $0.069
    Germany cellular $0.109 Swaziland cellular $0.209
    Germany Frankfurt $0.019 Sweden $0.019
    Germany munich $0.019 Sweden cellular $0.059
    Germany ngn $0.019 Switzerland $0.019
    Ghana $0.529 Switzerland cellular $0.169
    Ghana Accra $0.529 Syria $0.129
    Ghana cellular $0.289 Taiwan $0.019
    Gibraltar $0.059 Taiwan cellular $0.099
    Gibraltar cellular $0.359 Tajikstan $0.209
    Greece $0.019 Tajikstan cellular $0.209
    Greece Athens $0.019 Tanzania $0.229
    Greece cellular $0.109 Tanzania cellular $0.169
    Grenada $0.129 Tanzania daressalm $0.229
    Grenada cellular $0.269 Thailand Bangkok $0.029
    Guadaloupe $0.139 Thailand cellular $0.049
    Guadaloupe cellular $0.449 Togo Republic $0.589
    Guatemala $0.179 Tonga Islands $0.459
    Guatemala cellular $0.199 Trinidad & Tobago $0.034
    Guinea $0.459 Trinidad & Tobago cellular $0.129
    Guinea Bissau $0.529 Tunisia $0.329
    Guinea cellular $0.529 Tunisia cellular $0.529
    Guyana $0.259 Turkey $0.029
    Guyana cellular $0.359 Turkey Ankara $0.019
    Haiti $0.329 Turkey cellular $0.039
    Haiti cellular $0.359 Turkmenistan $0.149
    Honduras $0.189 Turks & Caicos $0.149
    Honduras cellular $0.199 Turks & Caicos cellular $0.279
    Honduras tegucigalpa $0.189 Uganda $0.139
    Hong Kong $0.019 Uganda cellular $0.169
    Hong Kong cellular $0.019 Ukraine $0.109
    Hungary $0.019 Ukraine cellular $0.179
    Hungary cellular $0.099 Ukraine lviv $0.109
    Iceland $0.024 Ukraine odessa $0.109
    Iceland cellular $0.229 United Arab Emirates $0.209
    India $0.019 United Arab Emirates cellular $0.209
    India cellular $0.019 United Kingdom $0.019
    Indonesia Jakarta $0.024 United Kingdom cellular $0.069
    Indonesia cellular $0.109 United Kingdom London $0.019
    Iran $0.09

    Iran cellular $0.109 Uruguay $0.059
    Iran Tehran $0.099 Uruguay cellular $0.189
    Iraq Baghdad $0.099 USA $0.019
    Ireland $0.019 Uzbekistan $0.079
    Ireland cellular $0.399 Uzbekistan cellular $0.089
    Ireland Dublin $0.019 Vanuatu $0.629
    Israel $0.019 Vatican City $0.039
    Israel cellular $0.059 Venezuela $0.039
    Italy $0.019 Venezuela Caracas $0.039
    Italy cellular $0.199 Venezuela cellular $0.059
    Italy Milan $0.019 Venezuela Maracaibo $0.019
    Italy Rome $0.019 Vietnam $0.059
    Italy vatican city $0.039 Vietnam cellular $0.059
    Ivory Coast $0.299 Vietnam ho chi minh $0.059
    Ivory Coast cellular $0.399 Western Samoa $0.579
    Jamaica $0.269 Yemen $0.179
    Jamaica cellular $0.269 Yemen cellular $0.179
    Japan $0.029 Yugoslavia $0.139
    Japan cellular $0.169 Yugoslavia cellular $0.139
    Jordan $0.119 Zaire $0.379
    Jordan cellular $0.119 Zaire cellular $0.379
    Kazakhstan $0.069 Zambia $0.089
    Kazakhstan cellular $0.119 Zambia cellular $0.189
    Kenya $0.119 Zimbabwe $0.109
    Zimbabwe cellular $0.229

    •  Please check for new update every week.