Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Great Testimony from Zimbabwe

This is a note I just received from one of our pastors in Zimbabwe that is doing a fantastic job in an area that is one of the most difficult places I have ever been. It is difficult because almost nothing grows in this area and the people are very poor and hard towards many things. Take a look at this report.

The lord remembered me by allowing the man of God in to my life. I was ill most of the time before I met Pastor Mafukidze. I usually felt dizzy and had a heart attack. Before the Lord was introduced in my life, this problem hounded me for a long time. When I was introduced to the man of God I received my healing.
The Pastor did not stop teaching me that with God all things are possible .I also had a marital problem because my husband had gone to South Africa to seek for employment and had not returned for a period of 2 years. This was a very difficult time for me and the children. I had no money for school fees food, clothes, and other necessities. I introduced the matter to the church and we prayed over it . I am happy now to say my husband has since returned home.
I was hoping for something good after his arrival but he wanted to divorce me. I went to the Pastor for councelling.The man of God did his best to help me as he was lead by the lord. Our marriage was restored praise God.
Having failed with the above trials, the devil thought if he could introduce illness in the house I could be blamed for demon infecting my child. My child became very sick that day that people were so astonished.Pst Mafukidze prayed with us and our child was miraculously healed.
For our daily food the lord blessed our field the moment the man of God prayed for the seeds and the field. Even working in the field was not tiresome because we prayed every time before working I the fields.
This shows the power of God in my life with God nothing is impossible.
A testimony from Mrs. G Samu

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