Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cup Team and Mission of Mercy Saving Lives

Lomasontfo is a beautiful 12 year old girl full of confidence. She is currently top of her class and reflects gratefulness for all she has. If you were to look at Lomasontfo today you would never have realized that she almost died 3 years back.

Lomasontfo had a quick growing tumor on the left side of her jaw. What started as a small swollen bump would soon consume the left side of her face. A double orphan,

Lomasontfo lived in a mud and stick hut with older brothers and sisters who were scrambling to take of their own children. Many times left to fend for herself, the food served at the CarePoint became her only meal for the day.

As the tumor grew bigger her family would send her into town begging for food and money from onlooker who would take pity on her.

While the tumor was still small Lomasontfo was discovered during a routine Children’s Cup mobile Medical Clinic at the CarePoint. Children’s Cup medical teams assertively search for doctors all over Swaziland who would know how to treat this growing mass. After months of taking Lomasontfo from one doctor to another it was concluded we needed to seek medical treatment in South Africa.

As Children’s Cup prepared medical and visa papers to go to South Africa we endured obstacle after obstacle for months. For a time it appeared like a hopeless situation. As the tumor grew we feared that she would die before we were even able to get her treatment in South Africa.

But the Lord heard our cry for help!

With the generous special medical funding from Mission of Mercy for children with extreme medical needs we were able to take Lomasontfo to a hospital in South Africa. She traveled back and forth for months visiting doctors. When it came time to treat the tumor they had to remove half of her jaw and insert a metal plate to reform her jaw. With the accompaniment of a diligent missionary, Lomasontfo stayed in the hospital for a month and a half, and after surgery had her mouth wired shut for 6 weeks.

Following the initial surgery there were frequent follow up visits to the doctor in South Africa. Today it is barley noticeable that anything is wrong. We continue to take her yearly to the doctor in South Africa with the prospect of another surgery when she is older.

Lomasontfo was an extra mouth to feed at her home and we watch her struggle to survive. God put the needs of Lomasontfo on the heart of a local business lady with a husband and family. This family from the same community she was living in saw the needs of Lomasontfo and took her inside their house as one of their own. Lomasontfo is now receiving the love and support a child needs to thrive. No longer looking for her next meal and knowing the love of a family the transformat

ion in Lomasontfo is unbelievable.

She is now healthy not only in body, but also in mind and spirit. From the very start we watch an orphaned child used to being ignored and fended for herself, to a child who now know the care and love from others. Lomasontfo, a child who would eat everything in sight and hoard food, now know that another meal will come again.

The Lord truly hears our cries and provides for our needs! The Lord’s provision of His children shines bright through Lomasontfo’s life, and it’s only the beginning. Lomasontfo who was literally rescued out of a hopeless situation has a bright future!

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